A Confession and Some Doomed Projects

3 Feb

Contrary to how it seems from the title this is not going to be a depressing post.  I promise. The confession is that despite the fact the I spend a crazy amount of time sewing, half of my job is sewing, my hobby is sewing, I went to fashion design school blah, blah, blah I have never in my life used a commercial pattern.  In fact I am afraid of them.

If I make my own pattern I know what I’m getting.  I know I haven’t wasted any gorgeous fabric on a garment that isn’t going to fit right or look good on me.  I read a bunch of sewing blogs like We Sew Retro and lately I have been getting curious.  I have also been noticing how time consuming it is to make new patterns all the time.

The other problem is that being a fashion designer by trade when people ask me if I made something I’m wearing and I say yes I want to have really made it.  Using someone else’s pattern seems like cheating.  Is this weird? No matter. I’m weird, why shouldn’t my sewing compass of morality be weird too.

That being said my lovely Aunt gave me a bunch of patterns a while ago and I’ve just had a look through them and picked out a few that look makeable.

Now most likely these will never get made, but it would save me so much time not to have to make a pattern every time I want to make a new dress so you never know.  I have to say I love the vintage-y illustrations.  Also most of these seem pretty simple to make.  They seem to take up a HUGE amount of fabric though.  Perhaps because I am broke and stingy I just make patterns to use the least amount of fabric possible.  For example I would never make anything without shoulder seams.  I usually buy 2m of fabric per dress, 3 if I’m feeling extravagant.  The kimono dress take 7. Gulp.

peanut butter

Oh I also got gifted some peanut butter today. mmm peanutty randomness

vintage sewing pattern

This is a pretty serious contender. I love the mixed prints on the middle view. Although it is pretty clear that views 1 and 3 think view 2 can’t really sing as well as she thinks she can.

vintage dress pattern

This kimono sleeve/ neckline combo is always a win. I would shorten it though I tend to get lost in long dresses.

Vintage sewing pattern

Accessories! I loathe making bag patterns, and I’m for sure making the top belt in some really funky yet-to-be-bought fabric.

vintage sundress pattern

Sundress with huge pockets? Yes please! If the pockets are not big enough to keep kittens in than they need to be bigger. (I learned this from a friend at design school, and I assume she is correct.)

vintage sewing pattern

I’m kind of dying over the illustrations on this one. I want all of these outfits. ALL of them. In orange. With the shoes. And I want her legs. I’ll finish this post later, I’ve got to visit the gym.

Well that is the tour of things I am probably never going to make.  Maybe I will come out of left field of this one and surprise myself.  I am always surprising myself.  The other day I found a pair of socks in my freezer.  Have a Happy Super Bowl everyone!

9 Responses to “A Confession and Some Doomed Projects”

  1. prttynpnk February 5, 2013 at 4:43 am #

    I have to agree with you- designing and making a seperate things. I make clothes and Im proud of them, but I cant label myself a designer and feel honest about it. I would rather see your own creations, so liberate your soul and send me those patterns! I will help you.

    • usernamealreadyexsists February 5, 2013 at 12:22 pm #

      Well thanks for your support/ thinly veiled attempt to get some new patterns 🙂 Just to clarify I would never say I designed anything I made from someone else’s pattern. It would just be a ‘me’ project. I do think it’s important to look at how clothes are made as a designer, and it’s really interesting to look at vintage clothes! Making something from a pattern from the seventies would just be an interesting history project and would give me a better knowledge of garment construction in the process. Plus it would be nice to have a genuine vintage project to post on We Sew Retro!

      • prttynpnk February 5, 2013 at 1:15 pm #

        I should have explained better- I’ve seen other sewists cal themselves designers when they were sewing with a pattern- I hadn’t seen you do that. I didn’t mean to offend you-

      • usernamealreadyexsists February 5, 2013 at 6:18 pm #

        Dont worry Im not offended at all. I just wanted to clarify. I don’t think people should be calling themselves designers if they are just sewing up a pattern either. In my case ‘fashion designer’ just happens to be my day job, so it’s trickier than if I were an accountant.

  2. Beck Mitchell November 21, 2013 at 7:04 pm #

    Hello! I was wondering if you would be at all open to me buying one of the patterns you have here? The Kimono dress pattern. I have been looking for a pattern just like this for ever and here it is! Or another option, could I hire it off you and send it back to you once I have used it? I would be making the dress as is, so I would not be cutting the pattern in any way. If you are at all open to this I would love to hear from you! Thankyou so much, cheers, Beck

    • usernamealreadyexsists November 21, 2013 at 10:09 pm #

      Hi Beck,

      I would be open to either selling it or lending it to you. I actually never used it (sad face) and I doubt I will ever get around to using it so I would love it if someone got some happiness out of it.

      I just checked and it hasn’t been cut out and is in excellent condition.

      cheers, Tassie

      • Beck Mitchell November 21, 2013 at 10:12 pm #

        Yay!!!! Thankyou so much! I really really appreciate it! Would you rather I buy it? Or I am very happy to send it back to you if you think you will one day use it? How much would you like for it? Of course I will pay the postage. Thankyou again!


      • Beck Mitchell November 23, 2013 at 12:19 pm #

        HI There Tassie, thankyou so much for your offer of selling or renting the pattern to me. As you have an Esty store, would you be happy to create a listing for the pattern and I could buy it that way? As I said, I am really happy to send it back to you once I am done if you would prefer that. Thanks again!


      • usernamealreadyexsists November 23, 2013 at 6:55 pm #

        Hi Beck, I did think of that, but then I would have to set up a whole listing and pay the etsy fees and whatnot. Could I just send you a paypal invoice? It woulld be the same payment method as going though Etsy without all the listing hoopla. Is ten dollars ok for the pattern? Do you want to email me at tvicars (at) live.ca with your mailing info, and I’ll find out how much shipping is and then just send you a bill through Paypal. Thanks, Tassie PS do you want tracking on the package, or should I just find the cheapest available shipping. I might be able to just send it in a big envelope.

        > Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 20:19:15 +0000 > To: tvicars@live.ca >

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